Rabu, 30 September 2009

Qualifications and regulation in the field of accounting

Requirements to be included in the accounting profession is different in each country.

United States

In the United States, practicing accountants called Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA). The difference is the type of certification in terms of the types of services offered, although one person might have more than one certificate. In addition, many accounting work done by someone without a certification but under the supervision of a certified accountant.

CPA certification was issued in the state where the respective positions of a license to offer auditing services to the public, although most firms also menawakan accounting services, taxation, litigation support and other financial consultancy. Requirements to obtain CPA certification vary across states, but test the Uniform Certified Public Accountant is required in every state. Tests are created and reviewed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

CIA certification issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), which is given to candidates who pass the exam in four parts. CIA mostly provides services to employers directly rather than to the public.

CMA certification granted by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), which is given to candidates who passed the four-part examination and meet certain practical experience IMA berdasarakan provisions. CMA mostly provides services to employers directly rather than to the public. CMA also offers his services to the public, but with a smaller scope than the CPA.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (Bureau of Labor Statistics) from the Department of Labor United States (United States Department of Labor) estimates there are about one million [4] people who worked as accountant and auditor in the United States.

British Commonwealth

In the UK, Canada, Australia British Commonwealth countries, is equivalent Certified Public Accountant (CPA) such as Chartered Accountant (CA - in the UK, British Commonwealth and some former British state, etc.), Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA - UK), International Accountant ( AIA - UK), Certified Public Accountant (CPA - Ireland and Hong Kong), Certified General Accountant (CGA - Canada), and Certified Practising Accountant (CPA - Australia).


In Canada, there are three agencies that handle accounting: the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CA), the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada (CGA), and the Society of Management Accountants of Canada (CMA). CA and CGA was established by Act of Parliament in a row in 1902 and 1913 while the CMA was established in 1920.

CA program is focused into a public accountant and a candidate must have auditing experience from public accounting firm; CGA program provides the freedom for the candidate to choose a career in financial bidanga; CMA program focuses on management accounting. All three require each candidate to get a degree and practical experience before gaining certification.
Accounting History

Accounting as an art based on mathematical logic - now known as the "books in pairs" (double-entry bookkeeping) - has been understood in Italy since 1495 when Luca Pacioli (1445 to 1517), also known as the Friars (Fr) Luca dal Borgo, published his book on "books" in Venice. The first English-language book published in London known by John Gouge or Gough in 1543.

A compact book also displays the accounting instructions issued in 1588 by John Mellis of Southwark, in which he says, "I am but the renuer and reviver of an ancient old copie printed here in London the 14th of August 1543: collected, published, made, and set forth by one Hugh Oldcastle, Scholemaster, who, as appeareth by his Treatise, then taught Arithmetics, and this Booke in Saint Ollaves Parish in Marko Lane. " John Mellis refers to the fact that he accepted accounting principles to explain (which is a simple system of double entry / double entry) is "after the forme of Venice".

In the early 18 th century, the services of accountants based in London has been used for an investigation of a director of the South Sea Company, who was traded stock company. During this investigation, an accountant examine the books at least two of the company. Described in this report Sawbridge and Company, by Charles Snell, Writing Master and Accountant in Foster Lane, London. United States owes the concept of objective public accountant registered in England has memiiki Chartered Accountant in the 19th century.


Annuity is a series of acceptance or a fixed payment made periodically at a certain time period. An example is the interest received from bonds or a cash dividend of preferred stock.

There are two types of annuities:

1. Ordinary annuity (ordinary) is the annuity payment or acceptance that occurs at the end of the period, and
2. Annuity due (due) is the annuity the payment or receipt made in the beginning of the period.

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009


Kita tidak minta untuk dilahirkan, dan kita pun tidak dapat menghindari kematian. Lalu suatu ketika, saat kita meninggal dan bertemu dengan Tuhan yang menciptakan kita, kira-kira Tuhan akan bertanya apa? Apakah Tuhan akan bertanya, “Mengapa kamu tidak menjadi seperti Paus Yohanes Paulus II atau Mother Theresa?”, Saya yakin tidak, dan pastinya tidak! Saya berpikir bahwa Tuhan akan bertanya,

“Mengapa kamu tidak menjadi kamu yang seutuhnya?”

Siapa yang tidak ingin ‘hidup’? Rupanya banyak orang yang tidak ingin hidup! Apa yang mereka tetapkan adalah sebuah imitasi yang semu dari kehidupan yang nyata. Mereka menghabiskan hidup mereka dengan sia-sia dan melihat tahun-tahun yang telah mereka lewati dengan penyesalan, dan mereka berkata, “Jika saja …” seperti, “Jika saja saya tidak salah mengambil jurusan, … pasti …” atau “jika saja ini, pasti itu tidak akan terjadi!” ya, beberapa alasan serupa yang menanyakan mengapa hidup mereka tidak menjadi kehidupan yang mereka inginkan!

Ada banyak orang dengan mudah menunda kehidupan, namun hal ini bukan berarti mereka tidak ingin hidup. Mereka berkata, “Nanti, kalau papa dan mama sudah sukses …” atau, “Nanti setelah kita melewati masalah ini …” ya, beberapa hal tentang masa depan yang tidak tentu terlihat mengambil alih kehidupan hari ini! Mungkin kita dapat memilih untuk menunda kehidupan sampai keadaan memungkinkan, tetapi itu berarti bahwa setiap hari sampai saat tersebut adalah hari-hari yang hilang di dalam kehidupan itu sendiri!

Ada beberapa orang yang meletakan hidupnya di tangan orang lain. Mereka melakukannya dengan banyak cara. Mereka mengizinkan orang lain mengambil keputusan tentang hidup mereka, orang tua, pasangan hidup, anak-anak kita, teman-teman, pimpinan, bahkan juga musuh kita.

Ada banyak orang juga menyalahkan orang lain untuk hidup yang mereka jalani. Ya, mungkin orang tua kita mengacaukan kita! Sekolah tempat kita belajar memaksa kita untuk mengambil jurusan yang salah! Perusahaan secara curang mengeluarkan kita dari promosi. Itu semua menggambarkan kesalahan dalam mengambil tanggung jawab pada kehidupan.

Beberapa orang menolak untuk hidup karena mereka memiliki ketakutan. Kematian adalah hal yang pasti, namun kehidupan mengandung resiko.

Beberapa orang yang lain menyia-nyiakan kehidupan karena ‘gangguan,’ dan ‘gangguan’ tersebut menahan mereka untuk fokus pada hal-hal yang utama, yaitu kehidupan itu sendiri. Mungkin terlihat sibuk dan beraktivitas, namun mereka sedang menyia-nyiakan kehidupan itu sendiri.

Ada beberapa orang yang akhirnya menyerah. Dengan beberapa alasan, mereka memutuskan untuk “tidak hidup!” Mungkin secara penampilan, mereka tetap melakukan aktivitas mereka seperti biasanya, namun diri mereka di dalam mati secara perlahan-lahan. Kegembiraan tidak terpancar, .. tetapi mereka belum berakhir, mereka seperti dikutuk untuk tetap ada di bumi tanpa kehidupan.

Mungkin salah satu menggambarkan kehidupan Anda??


Jadi kita ingin tahu apa arti hidup?

Kucing tidak merenungkan keberadaan mereka. Demikian juga monyet dan ikan lumba-lumba. Manusia sepertinya secara unik diganggu oleh pencarian akan arti hidup. Apakah ini merupakan salah satu petunjuk tentang arti hidup?

Kita berada di sini, sekarang ini, bukanlah kebetulan belaka! Kita ada di bumi, dan di Indonesia, dan di sini karena sebuah rancangan! Sebuah rancangan menyiratkan Sang Perancang.

Saya percaya bahwa ada Perancang Agung di balik alam semesta, dan juga di belakang kita! Pencarian yang tulus dan terus menerus, akan membawa diri kita kepada Tuhan.

Kita tidak mengarang misi hidup kita, kita harus menemukannya! Ketika kita memahami pandangan ini, hidup akan menjadi sebuah perjalanan untuk menemukan, ¾sebuah petualangan untuk masuk ke dalam ari dan misi dari kehidupan itu!

Inilah yang harus disadari:

1. Hidup memiliki tujuan, entah kita menyadarinya atau tidak!

2. Tuhan sedang bekerja di dalam tujuan hidup kita!

3. Tujuan hidup tidak selalu menjadi misteri, dan kita dapat menemukannya jika kita belajar untuk melihat hidup melalui ‘saringan’ yang dirancang untuk membantu kita ‘menghubungkan titik-titik’ dari misi hidup kita.

4. Penemuan tujuan hidup bukanlah proses linear, buku ini bak sebuah teka-teki silang. Di mulai dengan apa yang kita tahu, akan membantu kita menemukan petunjuk selanjutnya.

5. Tujuan hidup tidak statis dalam pengungkapannya dan cara bagaimana kita mengalaminya.

6. Proses menemukan tujuan hidup, bukan tentang menggabungkan satu set kata-kata dan kita menyebutnya (slogan) pernyataan misi hidup. Lebih penting punya misi hidup tanpa diucapkan, dari pada kita mengucapkan slogan tanpa benar-benar memiliki ‘jiwa’ dari misi itu.

Beberapa Petunjuk:

Kita memiliki beberapa petunjuk yang menunjukan misi hidup atau tujuan hidup. Dan inilah beberapa petunjuk itu:

1. Hasrat (Passion)

Hasrat tidak pernah kehilangan ‘seruannya,’ tidak masalah berapa besar uang yang kita keluarkan untuk itu. Hasrat dan gairah, membedakan orang dari penampilan luarnya. Orang yang memiliki hasrat akan berbeda dengan mereka yang terlibat di dalam pekerjaan atau aktivitas yang sama namun tanpa hasrat.

Giliran Anda:

1. Apa yang membuat jantung Anda berdegup keras?

2. Hal-hal apa yang membuat Anda merasa ‘berenergi’?

3. Hal-hal apa yang menarik perhatianmu?

2. Bakat (Talent)

Bakat akan memberi petunjuk penting untuk misi hidup kita! Perhatikanlah bakat kita dengan sungguh-sungguh, dan itu akan membantu kita menemukan misi hidup kita! Keseimbangan adalah dongeng!! Manusia tidak seimbang, terlebih lagi jika hal itu bicara tentang talenta!

Giliran Anda:

1. Kesuksesan apa yang kita raih akhir-akhir ini?

2. Menurut diri sendiri, Anda cakap di dalam bidang apa?

3. Menurut orang lain, Anda cakap di dalam bidang apa?

3. Kepribadian (Personality)

Kepribadian juga dapat memberi petunjuk penting untuk misi hidup kita!


Apakah Anda pemalu? Mungkin hal itu adalah petunjuk bahwa tujuan hidup kita berada di belakang panggung, bukan di dalam sorotan. Jika kita menikmati ketika membantu orang lain untuk sukses, maka mungkin misi hidup kita ada dalam keterlibatan kita sebagai pelatih atau pengajar.

4. Pengalaman (Experience)

Pengalaman juga merupakan petunjuk penting dalam pencarian misi hidup. Hidup bukanlah koleksi dari kejadian-kejadian acak, kesempatan yang kebetulan, atau kejadian yang saling tidak terhubung.

Kita ada di sini, karena Tuhan ingin kita ada di sini! Dia [Tuhan] ingin kita ada di sini sekarang. Kita juga tidak menentukan kita akan lahir dalam keluarga apa, etnis apa, atau kebudayaan apa. Apa yang kita lihat adalah campur tangan Tuhan yang kreatif dan pimpinan-Nya dalam hidup kita berdasarkan pada pengetahuan- Nya tentang apa yang menanti di depan kita.

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Analisa LAporan Keuangan

Akuntansi dilaksanaskan baik dalam perusahaan yang bertujuan mencari laba maupun dalam organisasi-organisasi yang tidak mencari laba. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena hal ini diharuskan oleh undang-undang. Namun demikina alas an utam mengapa akuntansi dilaksanakan dalam berbagai organisasi karena semakin rumitnya variable-variabel yang dihadapi para manajer walau didalam perusahaan kecil sekalipun. Keadaan ini mangakibatkan para manajer semakin tergantung pada proses akuntansi dimana transaksi-transaksi perusahaan diubah menjadi data statistik dan diringkas serta dilaporkan dalam laporan keuangan. Dengan demikian akuntansi merupakan suatu system informasi yang sangat diperlukan oleh perusahaan modern dewasa ini.
Dalam masyarakat terdapat pula orang-orang atau pihak-pihak diluar pengelola perusahan yang juga membutuhkan informasi keuangan untuk menilai prestasi kerja manajemen dan menilai penyertaannya dalam perusahaan. Calon investor memerlukan informasi keuangan untuk membandingkan berbagai kemungkinan penanaman modal. Kreditur (pemberi pinjaman) harus mepertimbangkan kemampuan keuangan permohon kredit.
Laporan keuangan adalah hasil dari proses akuntansi yang disebut siklus akuntansi. Laporan keuangan menunjukan posisi sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan selama satu periode. Selain itu laporan keuangan menunjukan posisi sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan selama satu periode. Selain itu, laporan keuangan juga menunjukan kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang ditunjukan dengan kemampuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan pendapatan dengan sumber daya yang dimilik oleh perusahaan.
Analisis laporan keuangan seringkali juga memasukan aktivitas untuk membuat berbagai macam transformasi atas laporan keuangan. Jika analis hanya menganalisa item atau akun yang ada dalam laporan keuangan, maka analis kesulitan untuk menilai seberapa baik perusahaan beroperasi. Teknik analisi yang digunakan adalah analisis rasio dan analisis persentase yang memungkinkan untuk mengidentifikasikan, mengkaji dan merangkum hubungan-hubungan yang signifikan dari data keuangan perusahaan. Untuk mengevaluasi kinerja dan kondisi keuangan perusahaan, analis keuangan dan pemakai laporan keuangan harus melakukan analisis terhadap kesehatan perusahaan. Alat yang biasa digunakan adalah rasio keuangan. Dalam analisis rasio, ada dua jenis perbandingan yang digunakan yaitu perbandingan internal dan perbandingan eksternal. Perbandingan internal yanitu membandingkan rasio saat ini dengan rasio masa lalu dann rasio yang akan datang dari perusahaan yang sama. Jika rasio ini diurutkan dalam jangka waktu beberapa tahun atau periode, pemakai dapat melihat kecendrungan rasio keuangan, apakah mengalami penurunan atau peningkatan, yang menunjukan kinerja dan kondisi keuangan perusahaan. Sedangkan perbandingan eksternal adalah membandingkan rasio keuangan perusahaan dangan rasio perusahaan lain yang sejenis atau dengan rata-rata industri pada titik yang sama. Perbandingan ini merupakan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang kondisi dan kinerja perusahaan relatif dan membantu mengidentifikasi penyimpangan dari rata-rata atau standar industri.
ambil analisa laporan keuangan

Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

Kisi-kisi OSN Ekonomi 2009

banyak cara ataupun jalan untuk menuju kesuksesan dalam berkompetisi, tetapi akan dipermudah jika kita mendaatkan kisi kisi dalam suatu ujian...berikut ini adalh kisi-kisi OSN ekonomi 2009 anda bisa ambil aja Kisi-kisi ekonomi OSN Ekonomi 2009
selamat mencoba

Tujangan Sertifikasi

Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dan Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen menyatakan bahwa guru sebagai pendidik merupakan tenaga profesional. Pengakuan kedudukan guru sebagai tenaga profesional dibuktikan dengan sertifikat profesi pendidik yang diperoleh melalui sertifikasi dan bagi guru yang telah mendapat sertifikat pendidik akan diberikan tunjangan profesi yang besarnya setara dengan satu kali gaji pokok.

Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen pasal 35 ayat (2) dinyatakan bahwa beban kerja guru mengajar sekurang-kurangnya 24 jam dan sebanyak-banyaknya 40 jam tatap muka per minggu. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 18 Tahun 2007 Tentang Sertifikasi Bagi Guru Dalam Jabatan mengamanatkan bahwa guru yang telah memperoleh sertifikat pendidik, nomor registrasi, dan telah memenuhi beban kerja mengajar minimal 24 jam tatap muka per minggu memperoleh tunjangan profesi sebesar satu kali gaji pokok. Tidak semua guru berada pada kondisi ideal dengan beban mengajar minimal 24 jam tatap muka per minggu . Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu panduan penghitungan beban kerja bagi guru dalam pemenuhan wajib mengajar minimal 24 jam per minggu agar guru yang telah memiliki sertifikat pendidik memperoleh haknya, yaitu tunjangan profesi.

Terus bagaimana saya sudah dinyatakan lulus sertifikasi tetapi jam tatap muka saya dalam satu minggu kurang dari 24 ? keluhan seperti ini sering kita dengar bukan?

Jangan panik dulu mungkin sekolah Bapak/Ibu belum menggunakan pedoman penghitungan beban kerja guru yang dikeluarkan oleh PMPTK tahun 2008, sehingga pengertian tatap muka dianggap sama dengan jumlah jam kita mengajar dalam satu minggu, sehingga sulit dipenuhi apalagi sekolah Bapak/Ibu jenjang SMP atau SMA.

Di dalam pedoman penghitungan beban kerja guru diatur antara lain:

Uraian Tugas Guru

1. Merencanakan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan penyusunan RPP ini diperkirakan berlangsung selama 2 (dua) minggu atau 12 hari kerja. Kegiatan ini dapat diperhitungkan sebagai kegiatan tatap muka setara dengan ekuivalensi 2 jam per minggu

2. Melaksanakan Pembelajaran.

a. Kegiatan awal tatap muka dihitung ekuivalensi 2 jam per minggu

b. Kegiatan Tatap muka, yang sesuai jadwal pelajaran, tatap mukanya dikalikan dengan jumlah kelas yang diajar

c. Membuat resume dihitung ekuivalensi 2 jam per minggu

3. Menilai hasil pembelajaran

a. Penilaian dengan tes, tidak dianggap sebagai tatap muka

b. Penilaian non tes, berupa pengamatan dan pengukuran sikap dihitung ekuivalensi 2 jam per minggu (semua guru)

c. Penilaian tes berupa penilaian karya dihitung ekuivalensi 2 jam per minggu (Mata Pelajaran tertentu)

4. Membimbing dan melatih peserta didik pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dihitung ekuivalensi 2 jam per minggu

5. Tugas Tambahan guru:

a. Kepala sekolah dihitung ekuivalensi 18 jam per minggu

b. Wakasek, Kepala perpus, Kepala lab, Ketua jurusan program keahlian, kepala bengkel, pemimpin praktek kerja industri, kepala unit produksi dihitung ekuivalensi 12 jam per minggu.

Kalau masih kurang bisa menggunakan alternatif pemenuhan:

1. Mengajar pada sekolah lain

2. Melaksanakan team teaching yaitu satu kelompok belajar untuk satu mata pelajaran diampu oleh lebih satu orang guru

3. Melaksanakan pengayaan dan remidi khusus

Semoga tidak jadi semakin bingung, bila itu terjadi silahkan baca sendiri file aslinya

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

soal latihan (matter of practice )

matter of practice

Choose the most appropriate answers. Working on the answer sheet that has been provided, one with black letters that you most true! NOT PERMITTED USE calculator

1. Terms of delivery with the cost of shipping goods from warehouse to warehouse to the seller by the buyer by the buyer is called ....
A.FOB Destination point D. CIF
B.FOB Shipping point E. Free on Quay
C.Free on rail
ambil aja soal latihannya


buat teman-teman kelas XI sosial yang mau latihan soal akuntansi, silahkan ambil lewat soal akun pilih soal latihan ... silahkan mencoba

make friends social class XI who want to practice accounting problems, please take the matter of account select the training problem ... please try

Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

WHY Men lie

One day, when trees are cut down, a lumberjack wood kapaknya lost due to falling river. Then he wept and prayed, so that the god appears. "Why are you crying?" The lumberjack wood while terisak told that the chopper as a source of income was the only one to fall river. Then god disappeared and appears to bring back the gold ax. "Is this your ax?" "No, god" Then the god appeared to bring back silver ax. "Is this your ax?" "No, god" Then the god issue an ax with the ugly grip of iron, wood and "Is this your ax?" "Yes, god, I correct this hatchet" "You people honestly, so I will give this third hatchet as a reward for your honesty" Men are very grateful and happy with the return. Several days later when the river ford, and his wife fell out. Again, the woodcutter wood weep and pray. Then the god appeared. "Why are you crying?" "My wife
the only one that I love to drop the river, god "Then the gods disappeared into the river and appears again with Jennifer Lopez" Is this your wife? "" Yes, god "Then the gods angry and said," You lie, where to go its your honesty ? "Men are trembling with fear and said," god, if I said earlier, the gods will bring back with Britney Spears, and if at that time I also said it does not, god will bring my wife back the original, and if I said that when so, god will give the third to be my wife. I am a poor man, god, I can not be beatify three wives .....

"Moral of the story: Men lie for the sake of happiness of others .....

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Jigsaw method

Jigsaw was developed and tested by Elliot Aronson and colleagues sejawatnya (Patnoe & Aronson, 1997). Using the Jigsaw, students in place to study in a heterogeneous team has five to six people. Many of the academic material presented to students in the form of text, and each student is responsible for learning a portion of the material.

For example, if the material is about tekstualnya Cooperative learning, a student in the team will be responsible to learn Stad, someone for Jigsaw, a Group for the Investigation (GI) (the investigation), and one or two other people will be the expert (expert) for basic research and the history of Cooperative learning. The members of the teams are different, but discuss the same topic (sometimes called expert group [group of experts]) met to learn and help each other in learning the topic. After the students return to the team and they teach something they have learned in the expert group to the other members in each team.

After a team meeting and discussion of origin, the students do the quiz individually to learn about the different materials.

Metode Jigsaw

Jigsaw (pating begijig tapi ra iso...heheeh bercanda lho) dikembangkan dan diuji oleh Elliot Aronson dan rekan-rekan sejawatnya (Aronson & Patnoe, 1997). Menggunakan Jigsaw, siswa-siswa di tempatkan ke dalam tim belajar heterogen beranggota lima sampai enam orang. Berbagai materi akademis disajikan kepada siswa dalam bentuk teks, dan setiap siswa bertanggung jawab untuk mempelajari satu porsi materinya.

Sebagai contoh, bila materi tekstualnya adalah tentang cooperative learning, seorang siswa di tim akan bertanggung jawab untuk mempelajari STAD, seseorang untuk Jigsaw, seorang untuk Group Investigation (GI) (investigasi kelompok), dan satu atau dua orang lainnya akan menjadi ahli (expert) untuk dasar penelitian dan sejarah cooperative learning. Para anggota dari tim-tim yang berbeda, tetapi membicarakan topik yang sama (kadang-kadang disebut expert group [kelompok ahli]) bertemu untuk belajar dan saling membantu dalam mempelajari topik tersebut. Setelah itu siswa kembali ke tim asalnya dan mengajarkan sesuatu yang telah mereka pelajari dalam expert group kepada anggota-anggota lain di timnya masing-masing.

Setelah pertemuan dan diskusi tim asal, siswa mengerjakan kuis secara individual tentang berbagai materi belajar.

Rabu, 15 April 2009

Economic development and economic growth

Economic development is a process of increasing income and total income perkapita to take into account the growing population and accompanied by fundamental changes in the structure of the economy of a country.
Economic development can not be separated from economic growth (economic growth); economic development to encourage economic growth, and vice versa, facilitate the economic growth process of economic development.
Is the process of economic growth is an increase in production capacity of an economy that is realized in the form of increase in national income has said a state of economic growth occurs when the real increase in GNP in the country. There is economic growth is an indication of the success of economic development.
The difference between success of economic growth is more quantitative, namely the increase in the standard income level and the resulting production output, while economic development is qualitative, not only increase production, but there are also changes in the structure of production and allocation in the different input economic sectors such as in institutions, knowledge, and techniques.

Natural resources of the influence of economic development.
There are several factors that affect economic growth and development, but in fact these factors can be grouped into two factors and economic factors nonekonomi.
Economic factors that affect economic growth and development are natural resources, human resources, capital resources, and expertise or entrepreneurship.
Natural resources, including land and natural wealth such as soil fertility, the climate / weather, forest products, mines, and the sea, influence the growth industry of a country, especially in terms of providing the raw material production. Meanwhile, the expertise and entrepreneurship needed to process raw materials from nature, something that has become a higher value (also referred to as the production process).
Human resources also determine the success of national development through the number and quality of the population. Number of population that is a big potential market for the results of production, while the quality of the population determines how large the productivity.
Meanwhile, the capital resources needed to cultivate the human raw material is. The formation of capital and investment is intended to excavate and manage wealth. Resources such as capital goods, capital goods is essential for growth and smooth economic development because of capital goods can also improve productivity.
Nonekonomi factors include socio-cultural conditions in the community, state, political system and a growing force and effect.

Pembangunan ekonomi dan petumbuhan ekonomi

Pembangunan ekonomi adalah suatu proses kenaikan pendapatan total dan pendapatan perkapita dengan memperhitungkan adanya pertambahan penduduk dan disertai dengan perubahan fundamental dalam struktur ekonomi suatu negara.
Pembangunan ekonomi tak dapat lepas dari pertumbuhan ekonomi (economic growth); pembangunan ekonomi mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan sebaliknya, pertumbuhan ekonomi memperlancar proses pembangunan ekonomi.
Yang dimaksud dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah proses kenaikan kapasitas produksi suatu perekonomian yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk kenaikan pendapatan nasional Suatu negara dikatakan mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi apabila terjadi peningkatan GNP riil di negara tersebut. Adanya pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan indikasi keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi.
Perbedaan antara keduanya adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi keberhasilannya lebih bersifat kuantitatif, yaitu adanya kenaikan dalam standar pendapatan dan tingkat output produksi yang dihasilkan, sedangkan pembangunan ekonomi lebih bersifat kualitatif, bukan hanya pertambahan produksi, tetapi juga terdapat perubahan-perubahan dalam struktur produksi dan alokasi input pada berbagai sektor perekonomian seperti dalam lembaga, pengetahuan, dan teknik.

Sumber daya alam yang dimiliki mempengaruhi pembangunan ekonomi.
Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan pembangunan ekonomi, namun pada hakikatnya faktor-faktor tersebut dapat dikelompokan menjadi dua, yaitu faktor ekonomi dan faktor nonekonomi.
Faktor ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan pembangunan ekonomi diantaranya adalah sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, sumber daya modal, dan keahlian atau kewirausahaan.
Sumber daya alam, yang meliputi tanah dan kekayaan alam seperti kesuburan tanah, keadaan iklim/cuaca, hasil hutan, tambang, dan hasil laut, sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan industri suatu negara, terutama dalam hal penyediaan bahan baku produksi. Sementara itu, keahlian dan kewirausahaan dibutuhkan untuk mengolah bahan mentah dari alam, menjadi sesuatu yang memiliki nilai lebih tinggi (disebut juga sebagai proses produksi).
Sumber daya manusia juga menentukan keberhasilan pembangunan nasional melalui jumlah dan kualitas penduduk. Jumlah penduduk yang besar merupakan pasar potensial untuk memasarkan hasil-hasil produksi, sementara kualitas penduduk menentukan seberapa besar produktivitas yang ada.
Sementara itu, sumber daya modal dibutuhkan manusia untuk mengolah bahan mentah tersebut. Pembentukan modal dan investasi ditujukan untuk menggali dan mengolah kekayaan. Sumber daya modal berupa barang-barang modal sangat penting bagi perkembangan dan kelancaran pembangunan ekonomi karena barang-barang modal juga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas.
Faktor nonekonomi mencakup kondisi sosial kultur yang ada di masyarakat, keadaan politik, dan sistem yang berkembang dan berlaku.

Senin, 06 April 2009

Salary Papa HOW?

As always Andrew, Head of Branch in a leading private company in Jakarta, arrived in his home at 9 pm. Not as usual, Sarah, son of the first new class to sit in three elementary school opens the door for him. It appears that he has been waiting long enough.

"Kok, has not slept?" Andrew, while I kiss her son. Sarah is usually already lelap when he went home and awake when he will go to the office the morning.

Papa heel while the room toward the family, Sarah said, "I come home Papa nunggu. For I want to ask," How do salaries Papa? "," Tumben Lho, kok get salary Papa? How have more money, yes? "," Ah, enggak. Pengen know aja "Sarah said short. "Okay. You can own countdown.
Papa worked every day for about 10 hours and are paid Rp. 400.000, -. Each month the average is calculated based on 22 working days. Saturday and Sunday off, sometimes Saturday Papa still overtime. So, Papa salary in one month how many, come? "

Sarah ran pensilnya and take the paper from the desk study Papanya while removing shoes and light television. When Andrew go to the room to change clothes, Sarah ran to follow them. "What a day Papa paid Rp. 400.000, - for 10 hours, one hour means Papa stipendiary Rp. 40.000, - dong" he said.

"Wah, pinter you. Already, it is washing feet, sleep" command Andrew. But Sarah does not go. While witnessing Papanya changed clothes, Sarah again asked, "Papa, I can borrow money Rp. 5000, - enggak?"

"It is, I kind of need more. Why ask for money night like this? Papa tired. And like a bath first. Tidurlah".

"But Papa ..." Andrew Patience is exhausted. "Papa is sleeping!" Sarah hardiknya surprising. Children that is turned to the rooms.

After bathing, Andrew appears to regret hardiknya. He also peek Sarah sleep in the room. Children kesayangannya is not sleeping. Sarah found sob are slowly while holding the money Rp. 15.000, - in his hand.

While lying and stroke the head of a small kid, Andrew said, "sorry Papa, Nak, Papa for my Sarah. But what a canvas nights like this? If you want to buy toys, I can tomorrow. Isn'T Rp. 5000, - more Papa's love that is "Andrew's

"Papa, I enggak canvas. I just borrow. Later when I return is to save more of pocket money during this week." "lya, yes, but for what?" Andrew get soft.
"I am waiting for Papa's at 8. I want to get snake Papa main stairs. Puluh Three minutes aja. Mama often says what the time Papa was very valuable. So, I want to change the time Papa. Tabunganku I open, there is only Rp. 15.000, -- Papa says, but because one day Papa paid Rp. 40.000, - then a half hour I have to replace Rp. 20.000, -. But less money tabunganku Rp. 5000, therefore I would like to borrow from Papa "said Sarah plain.

Andrew was silent. he lost the words. Dipeluknya small kid that freeze with the feeling
haru. He realized a new, apparently limpahan property which he gave for this, not enough to
"buy" their child's happiness.

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

learn tips tricks and economic accounting

1. Always return back lessons that have been obtained. Then read the short two-page material for the next search kerangkanya only. Once these lessons are teacher esoknya, you already have a picture or basically, live add that not only what you know. So the home school, you just repeat the course for the conclusion or summary.
2. Always try to listen to the concentration of full-time tuition at the school. Content that you hear will more easily be called back so you menghapal lessons.

3. Try to type the note back to the lessons in the computer. Logikanya, with re-entry means the type is the same with the re-read the lesson that you can just out of school. Materials that can be repeated before the memory stored in the brain for a long period of time. Better what you want to read or re-learn after the typewritten notes. Susah lupanya.
4. Another way is to re-read the lesson notes and then make a conclusion with the word-katamu itself. To be able terpatri long in the memory, before you write the conclusion in the paper secarik small seukuran card. Cards are effective to repeat a while and read a short leisure.
5. Always use a different note books on each subject. This was seen more regularly at the time, so you want to repeat a lesson we do not need to have to open all the books.
6. Repeat the lesson does not necessarily need to read or write. Teach another friend about the new materials that can be repeated always makes you remember akan materials. Good again, you become more familiar akan materials.
7. Study of sudden the test is not effective. At least a month before a retrial is the ideal time for repeat studies. The material is not a lot of problems. To do: always make a summary or conclusion on any subject, if need to use a table or a picture that illustrated easy to remember.
8. There are some friends who like to study in the afternoon. His body is still fresh enough after sleeping at night, so the spirit is still high. Good condition did not chase them as wasted time. Morning their full concentration on the lesson in class and concentration siangnya to repeat again. Night, only they use to do light activities or homework. So there is never a word begadang. May also tuh!
9. If the tired body, will make the difficult konsentrasinya. Some friends recommend for holiday's first sporting event or other physical activities a day before the test results public.
10. Learn while listening to music is cool. Select a quiet but music arouse. Classical music what kind of Beethoven Mozart can try. This type of music suitable for the accompany you during the task that the response is certain, kayaking mathematics, natural sciences or foreign languages. Guaranteed to learn the spirit will always contain a full and spirit.

Mutual funds, the alternative INVESTMENTsmall capitalist

The growth of offshore mutual funds phenomenon, before deciding to bereksadanaria, prospective investors should know yourself. Is he including risk Taker (dare bear risk), neutral, or conservative. Introduction of this product closely related to mutual funds that will be purchased. So far, investors are still the dominant type of conservative with the number of product fixed income mutual funds. This is closely related to the risk factor is relatively small. "Sejelek-jeleknya performance, still have a coupon interest rate," so about their deception.
In selecting mutual funds, to advise Frida. "Preview the company profile. The credibility and experience of managers and investment company." Other considerations that need to be taken is the credibility and bonafiditas supporting institutions. Behavior of investment managers in achieving the target should be. What will play a dynamic or conservative? Before sign the contract, should understand what is true in the prospectus provided. Do not be ashamed to ask for transparency and attention to very-thought-of in this investment. As investors, you can ask how nab today. If in stock, if you have a small capital, can be terabaikan.
Be careful with the ads that show the mutual fund charts. Information that seems to be sweet. In fact a lot of information behind the bitter also need to know. Rubric of consultation in Tabloid Kontan upbringing Hasan Zein Mahmud revealed, many questions about mutual funds associated with the ads in print media.

If you have understood correctly Lika meander behind mutual funds, so-so and then plan to buy it. How very easy. Condition is not long-winded; have the money, identity cards, and bank accounts in the bank. You live to come to investment managers or agents, to request a form, and send some money as a sign to purchase a bank account number kustodian. Evidence the transfer, the form has been filled, and a photocopy of identity and then be submitted to the investment manager. You also hold a number of UP and stay waiting berbiaknya funds. Next you will receive a progress report on mutual funds and other relevant information. To reduce the risk, sebarlah funds in several mutual funds.
Apart from all the lack of current, if it is managed by the experts and experienced professionals, mutual funds are an interesting alternative investment. In mutual funds, together with a small capital with other small capital to be so big. Thus the distribution of investment can be very wide, so that if the review of the risk bearing the risk and avoiding the spread of risk can be done.
Well, a small but beautiful in fact can reduce the risks and benefits also ...!

Prospect mutual funds

Indonesia does not in fact the market had lost potential. Imagine a huge market (216 million population) with the patterns and habits of consumption. Take only 10% (do not compare with 35% of Malaysia) as a prospective consumer with the average flat subscription ^ 1 million rupiah. From there the funds collected can only Rp 21.6 trillion, accounting for approximately 10% of the 1998/1999 Budget year. But without awareness especially product knowledge sufficient potential simply sheer numbers without meaning. Siilah on the importance of education for the public. This responsibility should not only diemban by Pemenntah but also by all the parties concerned. Moreover pemenntah senngkali, more inclined to run political interest in public policy rather than policy. For the Investment Manager, it's good to be part of the income market education. Give the hook may not fish in your pond will be in the country uncle Sam, the school becomes an agent in introducing strategic Rekasa fund for children and adolescents. Never too early, according to the manager for Mutual Funds target market, because the purpose of investment is not simply their own long term but very long term. Indeed, the indicator of profit growth and security factors, it is not difficult to convince parents in selecting Mutual Fund as the future of their children's future 5, 10 even 20 years later. Only a few Mutual Funds that are among the Young First Timer as Legg Masson Value Trust or Harbor Capital Appreciation (. Mutual Fund Magazine, September 1998, under the header "Your First Fund"). In some European countries even anak-anak/remaja have bargaining to select companies that share their passion. For example, in the Netherlands, Robecco Young Dinamic Group publishes Fund. Mutual funds include stock-stock company, known as teenagers Nike, Nintendo and Tamagochi.
Therefore, brisk enough to hear the capital market authorities are menggodok curriculum specific to the capital market SMU students. From there, it is expected that the knowledge of the capital market and Mutual Funds from the student can terdongkrak.

Back in the Risk Return (unbalanced Results), which Retrieved

Before the Mutual Funds have the capitalist always advisable to read the prospectus. Termuat there has any information about such risk is the risk of lopsided results berfluktuasinya
RD and market risks that affect the portfolio. But seems not so easy for investors to translate the risk. While many in the academic literature that the model has been developed, among others, by William Sharpe and Jack Treynor L (see "Can Mutual Fund Outguess the Market", Harvard Business Review, July-August 1966), which was then known as the ratio / Sharpe ratio and Treynor .
Ratio is simply explain that the results must be unbalanced with the risk. The greater the ratio of lopsided results and risks, the better the performance of Mutual funds. Represented by Imbalhasil (return performance); the risk of fluctuations obtained with the calculate the standard deviation, while the market risk represented by beta. As illustrasi, two RD "A" and "B", each have a lopsided result on average per year 20% and 25% and the average monthly standard deviation is 10% and 20%. Direct result of lopsided RD "B" more interesting, but if you consider the risk factors is RD "A" is better (and 2 ratio 1.25). With a calculator or Microsoft Excel we can also easily calculated. The risk is what should be the duty manager for the Investment menginformasikannya to investors or at least is right for investors to find out. Sebagaicontoh, if information visit the international Mutual Funds loaded Bloomberg, RD always seem that lopsided results show that while the risk is related transaparan, both beta and the Sharpe ratio.
Journalists also need to memuatnya as public consumption, to describe a full profile Mutual Funds that have been outstanding so far. only needed a little additional calculation that can tersaji information terebut for the community.
Has published more than 90 Mutual Funds. How can know the quality of the capitalist a Mutual Fund other than that, still quite dark. Mutual Funds report issued every day (in the Bisnis Indonesia daily) are not enough to be a reference. Needs to be done on pemeringkatan idependen RD seperri for example by the Morning-star, the company pemeringkat Mutual Funds dub themselves "your first second opinion" or Lipper Analytical Services reported that routinely ranked RD International, or what the Pefindo to Obligfisi / Commercial Paper-nting the load is balanced as well as the performance risk of the Mutual Fund bersangkutan.Memang use rating on Mutual Funds are very dependent from the industry speed the development of Mutual Fund itself. Ratings umuk can help investors feel more comfortable with mvestasi they do, get unmk opinion that idependen, unmk decision making and a more well informed and information about the Mutual Fund for the Fund more transparent Manager, ratings can be a trigger for menghasdkan best performance, the credibility and reputation as well as a powerful marketing tool positioned in the Mutual Funds that they manage in the market, let alone independent denganhasil rating of good

Changing the Paradigm in Community Investing
There is a constraint which is critical in the development of Mutual Funds in India, the changing perception of the investing habits on the deposits. Paradigm is marked by the needs of a particular result (investment insurance), the absence of a decline because of the risk tolerance of damage (although still on the trust of the public investment in Mutual Funds from 1998 to 2000. This is the fruit of marketeducation may have been planted since that time. Although saatnyamemedk not all that has and will continue to be planted, not the preferences of the investment community began to see increased RD "unrealized loss") habit and invest short-term (not ebih than one year), and to not have the investment costs will apply in advance (such as Like selling fees). Although the fact may be so now and deposits relatively less attractive, but the paradigm as a deposit of instruments of investment risk-free conditions in the middle of the gonjang-ganjing plus the experience of "nikmatnya" a deposit in 1998 where the public can obtain ringkat tribe interest of more than 50%, making it difficult for people to turn in the other instruments. Isn'T people who are limited knowledgenya product, which they have rahu Mutual Fund and its benefits dankerugiannya is still relatively serious raguu to invest in Mutual Funds.
Developing Spirituality (Trust) Public
Is still a big question mark, but interesting to disimak research reports sebuh leading national magazine on the trust of the public investment in Mutual Funds from 1998 to 2000. This is probably the fruit of the education market that has long been planted. Although not all the time memedk has and will continue to be planted, most tidakpreferensi investment community began to look to the RD meningkatDari the Investment Manager, which in this case berdndak on behalf of investors, RD also positioned itself. Even some of them are optimistic that the RD can be a profitable alternative investment such as a loaded magazine Investor (EdisiJanuari 2000). Although not a "terfavorit" but most do not indicate the existence of RD convincing in Indonesia, and by optimism banyakalah the fate of the fish stock.

Rich? Depending on Options

In Cashflow quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki diagram which is the source of our income. Ie, E for employee (employee); S for the self employed (freelance worker); B for business owner (business owners) and I for investors (investors).

Based on the above diagram Kiyosaki, one can obtain income / earnings in a way to work as employees, working in serabutan own, build your own business, and become investors (investors) in the companies that run other people.

According to Kiyosaki, in principle, each person can earn income from the four quadrant line. Quadrant which will be selected, that does not depend on what we learned in school. Sometimes even for behind. Evident in many examples around us. One of them is businessman Liem Sioe Liong, one of the richest in Indonesia, the only elementary school only. But thousands of employees spread across more than 500 companies that he owned, is a graduate from the best universities. In fact, many business school graduates who are from the United States, Europe and other. Not only Liem Sioe Liong-called ordinary Om Liem-which can be used as example cases. In the environment near many successful we are in quadrant B (Bussiness owner-business owners) is the educational background is not clear.

Therefore, according to Kiyosaki, the success of the income we get overflow from the quadrant that we depend on who select us. That is, we must find out what is indeed a value, strengths, weaknesses and our core interests. After weighing what the value, strengths, weaknesses and core of our interest, then select the quadrant where we as a source of income. Differences in the core of the four things that (the value, strengths, weaknesses and core interest-red.) Or a decline from our fourth quadrant.

Kiyosaki said that anyone can obtain abundant income and work in the fourth quadrant along to do it professionally. Professional work in the sense with a vengeance, not origin-derived.

For example, an elementary school teacher. He taught as a teacher's professional duty in the school place (an E), can also be S (self employee) with a casual work as a teacher in an informal education (eg courses).

At a certain stage, a teacher in elementary school can be a business owner (a B), for example, by opening a shop that employs a number of employees. He can then pay someone to run a professional business store. Thus he became owner of a store without having to participate in work.

The elementary school teachers can choose the business that are far outside the field of expertise. For example, open / agent into the fuel, while he himself still working as teachers. Or in other words, can the E (employee) as well as B (the owner).

At a certain stage, the elementary school teachers have also become a money embed in the credit union, banks, stock exchanges, companies, or other business. Thus, he also became an investor (I).

Working with elementary school principal as a teacher, a teaching institution in the course, the shops have run other people, to become agents of fuel, and infuse money / capital in the credit union, the sources of revenue such as that referred to in its cashflow quadrant Kiyosaki above. Thus, teachers have many sources of money income. And if one fails, then the other will cover the failure.

Kiyosaki make small notes of interest. According to him, words are important "revenue from ...". The most important is not what we do but more on how we earn.

Not difficult to become rich right? Well, why do not you try to start as soon what to do in the elementary school teachers?. Perhaps the financial condition of households you would be far better if you apply Kiyosaki cashflow quadrant above.

Globalization opponents colonial New!

The failure of the Conference World Trade Organization (WTO) Cancun in September is also celebrated by civil society and the state-negaradunia third during this persistent against colonial style new style danlembaga-WTO international financial institutions such as IMF and World Bank.
Colonization is one of the big advantages of the developed countries and the world's giant companies. In order to achieve, they are pressing the government and the people that sell out their source (Agrarian and natural resources).
Meanwhile, water, soil, food and health is a right asasimanusia following all the rules that protect the sustainability of kehidupandianggap barriers that must be removed. No wonder the various negaraperampasan local people's access to resources of life continue to occur.
Globalization must be a new colonialism with the globalization of solidarity and resistance with the people.

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Sodom and Gomorrah accident

Agroindustry modern birds it has been against nature, while challenging the law of God. That should change, not simply restructuring the division of the lot.
Flu is a disease actually old. There are three types of influenza viruses: type A which can attack humans and animals as well as type B and C can only attack a human. Virus type A is made up of several still subtipe, ie, H (1-15) and N (1-9). AI itself has been detected since 1978 in Italy, but with the new subtipe AI virus H5N1 was first detected in Hong Kong in 1997. Since then, the bird flu becomes similar AIDS, the shock on the poultry business, as well as threaten human life.

When the AI attacks the birds, the virus has not become a worldwide epidemic. Agroindustry poultry ago into the bulk and the world, with the seed (DOC / DOD), feed, growth hormones, antibiotics, and drugs in high doses intensively. This is the main trigger the creation of a new virus subtipe. Especially after the agro-livestock only to the benefits, without thinking about the negative impact caused.

Mad cow outbreak in Britain is also the curse. Madness this virus is only infectious in the sheep, and never become a pandemic. However, the agro-livestock in the UK too greedily. Cut waste from the animal house, especially bone-bone-bone consists sheep, goats, cows, pigs, cattle and other mixed-grinding, and to concentrate. The goal is efficiency. Result, degradation occurred and the genetic transmission of disease. Madness that only the previous infectious sheep to cattle also.

"Nuggets" and sausage bone

In the agro-poultry, especially chicken layer, which will be kept only female DOC. DOC must be male. If DOC is given to the male fish, the impact of negative almost does not exist. However, once again for the sake of efficiency, DOC male entered directly to milling and to the mixed feed. "Cannibalism" among others that this has lead to genetic degradation, and had a role to trigger the creation of AI virus subtipe new.

But it's all not too egregious. Now, consumers seem less charming to see (or suspect) sausage (beef and chicken) nuggets (chicken), and kornet (cows), which is consumed, not from the actual flesh, but waste-rawhide bones. Animal house cutting waste and cutting poultry house waste, to form strong bones, cartilage, marrow, muscle, and a little meat still attached. Severity and separated the bones called MBM or meat and bone meal. This material is a mixture of cattle feed industry, including poultry.

Cartilage, muscle, marrow, meat, and meat and debone called meal (MDM). This is the first product to be a mixture of sausage industry, kornet, and nuggets. Now, the MDM be the main food plant. Especially in the chicken sausage. MDM is actually all poultry chicken waste grinding, because sekeras any chicken bones are very soft for a sausage and nuggets. We never told by Manufacturers Association of processed food meat (National Meat Association Producer = NAMPA), the actual contents of each of MDM and sausage nuggets. Do not-do not have 100 per cent.

Patterns such as cattle industry is already against the law of nature, as well as the law of God. Cattle and sheep herbivora original. In industry they are forced into modern karnivora, even cannibal. Birds eat seeds and sometimes insects and worms. But they did not cannibal. Even the eagle and the raven was never karnivora cannibal. But people have been forced into chickens and ducks cannibal. Moreover, DOC, chickling the new hatch is, must be re-grinding to be eaten by their parent-parent. This is more sadistic than the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Waste from the U.S.

Relatively intelligent people in the U.S. view the "irregularities" on this natural law. In addition to smart, they are rich. That's why they do not eat other parts of chicken, except breast meat. Skin, thigh meat, wing meat, liver, ampela, disantap taboo. Moreover, the head, neck, buttocks, and foot. All that must be removed. U.S. consumer agencies also tight to waste that can not offhand grinding and be feed. Mad cow case in the UK to make the U.S. more cautious people.

Where waste is still worth eating is removed? Of the country to which many residents and weak economy. The main target of the thigh and discard chicken wing is the PRC, India, and Indonesia. MDM results also grinding poultry waste disposed to developing countries and poor countries. For disposal facilities, large cities in developing countries are ready with the fast food restaurants and supermarkets. When levy sausage and chicken nuggets, mothers certainly never imagine, the main product is not flesh, but waste.

In fact the government should begin to strengthen the traditional agro-poultry farm duck as penyeimbang. Institutional livestock of the people is already very strong. Only the capital allocation and other facilities did not specific to them, not because they have a lot of the Combined Company in poultry Indonesia (Gappi). If the breeder ducks that have not even left the bulk government attention, no more chicken terperhatikan again. People should receive disaster resilient in Sodom and Gomorrah modern form of outbreaks of bird flu

Source: Kompas Friday 19 January 2007

F Rahardi

Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Mungkinkah gaji naik di tahun 2009

Memberi nafkah pada anak dan keluarga secara layak saya kira merupakan salah satu ikhtiar penting yang mesti kita lakoni dengan sepenuh hati. Bekerja dengan ikhlas dan penuh dedikasi demi mendapat penghasilan atau income yang memadai tentu juga merupakan sebuah rangkaian ibadah yang mesti kita rawat dengan penuh keteguhan.

Standard Gaji 2009. Penghasilan yang layak dan nafkah yang memadai tentu saja tidak lepas dari standard gaji atau penghasilan yang Anda terima setiap bulannya. Lalu berapa standard gaji untuk setiap level yang berlaku di dunia kerja Indonesia? Berikut adalah daftar standard gaji yang kira-kira menggambarkan besaran pendapatan yang diterima oleh para pekerja dan manajer di tanah air setiap bulannya.

Fresh Graduates/Entry Level. Kisaran Standard Gaji Rp 2 - 3 juta/bulan
Dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir, besaran gaji para fresh graduates (lulusan S-1) tampaknya tidak bergerak naik secara signifikan. Penyebabnya sederhana : supply cenderung jauh lebih tinggi dibanding demand; sehingga buyer (perusahaan) memiliki keleluasaan untuk memberikan gaji yang relatif rendah. Meski demikian sejumlah perusahaan multi nasional kini memberikan gaji bagi para fresh graduate-nya pada angka Rp 4 juta/bulan; sementara Bank Indonesia sejauh yang saya tahu, telah memberikan gaji Rp 5 juta/bulan untuk para lulusan sarjana baru yang bekerja untuk mereka. Namun demikian, masih banyak juga lulusan sarjana S-1 baru yang mendapat gaji sebanding dengan UMR alias sekitar Rp 1 jutaan saja per bulan.

Asisten Manajer. Kisaran Standard Gaji Rp 5 - 8 juta/bulan
Jika Anda sudah bekerja di kantor Anda selama 3 - 5 tahun, selayaknya Anda sudah menduduki posisi ini. Dan itu artinya Anda bisa mendapatkan income sekitar Rp 5 - 8 jutaan per bulannya. Kalau sudah bertahun-tahun Anda tetap saja menjadi staf biasa dan tak pernah kunjung naik posisinya ke level ini, ya Anda bisa mulai melakukan sejumlah manuver untuk membuat perjalanan karir tidak menjadi stagnan selamanya. Sebab kalau ndak pernah naik posisinya, gaji Anda ya juga ndak akan naik-naik (sementara harga semangkuk lontong sayur rasanya terus bergerak naik).

Manajer/Kepala Bagian. Kisaran Standard Gaji Rp 10 - 15 juta/bulan
Dalam kurun waktu 7 - 10 tahun bekerja, selayaknya Anda sudah bisa berada pada posisi ini. Kisaran gaji untuk posisi ini adalah Rp 10 - 15 juta, meski ada sejumlah perusahaan yang memberikan gaji hingga Rp 20 juta/bulan untuk para manajernya. Namun sejumlah bank nasional, seperti Bank BNI misalnya, memberikan gaji sekitar Rp 12 - 14 jutaan/bulan kepada para manajernya.

Selain gaji yang cukup tinggi, karyawan pada posisi ini biasanya akan mendapatkan car ownership program (program kepemilikan mobil). Dulu, perusahaan tempat saya bekerja memberikan bantuan gratis sebesar 70% dari harga mobil; dan sang manajer hanya memberikan alokasi dana 30 % saja, untuk bisa mendapatkan sebuah mobil sekelas Kijang Innova atau Honda City.

Manajer Senior/General Manajer/VP. Kisaran Standard Gaji Rp 20 - 30 juta/bulan
Minggu lalu disela-sela memberikan workshop kepada sebuah perusahaan perkebunan besar di Medan, saya berbincang-bincang dengan salah satu pesertanya yang kebetulan berposisi sebagai Manajer Senior. Ia bilang kalau ia memperoleh gaji sebesar Rp 25 juta/bulan. Dan ajaibnya, karena limpahan harga komoditi yang melonjak di tahun lalu, ia bilang tahun ini perusahaannya akan memberikan bonus 8 kali gaji (!) kepada seluruh karyawannya. “Alhamdulilah pak Yodhia….”, ujarnya dengan wajah sumringah. Halah, bagaimana ndak sumringah, wong sebentar lagi mau mendapat rezeki sebesar Rp 200 juta kontan.

Division Head/Executive VP/Direktur/Direktur Utama. Kisaran Standard Gaji Rp 50 juta - 100 juta/bulan
Dengan kisaran gaji seperti itu, pendapatan para direktur/division head/EVP berarti hampir sama dengan gaji seorang pilot senior Boeing 747 Jumbo di maskapai Garuda Indonesia (sebab gaji pilot senior untuk rute internasional di Garuda adalah Rp 90 juta/bulan).

Business Owner. Kisaran Standard Gaji : Unlimited
Nah, kalau Anda merasa ndak mampu menjadi manajer atau senior manajer, dan karirnya begitu-begitu saja; mengapa tidak memutuskan memulai usaha sendiri dan menjadi seorang business owner? Sebab dengan posisi itu, potensi gaji atau pendapatan Anda bersifat unlimited (tidak terbatas). Sebab Anda sendiri yang dengan bebas bisa menentukan berapa besar pendapatan yang layak Anda terima.

Demikianlah kira-kira Standard Gaji 2009. Silakan dicermati apakah pendapatan Anda saat ini masih jauh dibawah standar atau sudah layak nan memadai. Dan kalau ternyata standard gaji sampeyan masih jauh dari memadai, ya ndak usah ngomel-ngomel dan menumpahkan kekesalan di kolom komentar blog ini. Lebih baik : always think positive and be optimistic !!

sumber : http://strategimanajemen.net/