Rabu, 15 April 2009

Economic development and economic growth

Economic development is a process of increasing income and total income perkapita to take into account the growing population and accompanied by fundamental changes in the structure of the economy of a country.
Economic development can not be separated from economic growth (economic growth); economic development to encourage economic growth, and vice versa, facilitate the economic growth process of economic development.
Is the process of economic growth is an increase in production capacity of an economy that is realized in the form of increase in national income has said a state of economic growth occurs when the real increase in GNP in the country. There is economic growth is an indication of the success of economic development.
The difference between success of economic growth is more quantitative, namely the increase in the standard income level and the resulting production output, while economic development is qualitative, not only increase production, but there are also changes in the structure of production and allocation in the different input economic sectors such as in institutions, knowledge, and techniques.

Natural resources of the influence of economic development.
There are several factors that affect economic growth and development, but in fact these factors can be grouped into two factors and economic factors nonekonomi.
Economic factors that affect economic growth and development are natural resources, human resources, capital resources, and expertise or entrepreneurship.
Natural resources, including land and natural wealth such as soil fertility, the climate / weather, forest products, mines, and the sea, influence the growth industry of a country, especially in terms of providing the raw material production. Meanwhile, the expertise and entrepreneurship needed to process raw materials from nature, something that has become a higher value (also referred to as the production process).
Human resources also determine the success of national development through the number and quality of the population. Number of population that is a big potential market for the results of production, while the quality of the population determines how large the productivity.
Meanwhile, the capital resources needed to cultivate the human raw material is. The formation of capital and investment is intended to excavate and manage wealth. Resources such as capital goods, capital goods is essential for growth and smooth economic development because of capital goods can also improve productivity.
Nonekonomi factors include socio-cultural conditions in the community, state, political system and a growing force and effect.

Pembangunan ekonomi dan petumbuhan ekonomi

Pembangunan ekonomi adalah suatu proses kenaikan pendapatan total dan pendapatan perkapita dengan memperhitungkan adanya pertambahan penduduk dan disertai dengan perubahan fundamental dalam struktur ekonomi suatu negara.
Pembangunan ekonomi tak dapat lepas dari pertumbuhan ekonomi (economic growth); pembangunan ekonomi mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan sebaliknya, pertumbuhan ekonomi memperlancar proses pembangunan ekonomi.
Yang dimaksud dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah proses kenaikan kapasitas produksi suatu perekonomian yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk kenaikan pendapatan nasional Suatu negara dikatakan mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi apabila terjadi peningkatan GNP riil di negara tersebut. Adanya pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan indikasi keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi.
Perbedaan antara keduanya adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi keberhasilannya lebih bersifat kuantitatif, yaitu adanya kenaikan dalam standar pendapatan dan tingkat output produksi yang dihasilkan, sedangkan pembangunan ekonomi lebih bersifat kualitatif, bukan hanya pertambahan produksi, tetapi juga terdapat perubahan-perubahan dalam struktur produksi dan alokasi input pada berbagai sektor perekonomian seperti dalam lembaga, pengetahuan, dan teknik.

Sumber daya alam yang dimiliki mempengaruhi pembangunan ekonomi.
Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan pembangunan ekonomi, namun pada hakikatnya faktor-faktor tersebut dapat dikelompokan menjadi dua, yaitu faktor ekonomi dan faktor nonekonomi.
Faktor ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan pembangunan ekonomi diantaranya adalah sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, sumber daya modal, dan keahlian atau kewirausahaan.
Sumber daya alam, yang meliputi tanah dan kekayaan alam seperti kesuburan tanah, keadaan iklim/cuaca, hasil hutan, tambang, dan hasil laut, sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan industri suatu negara, terutama dalam hal penyediaan bahan baku produksi. Sementara itu, keahlian dan kewirausahaan dibutuhkan untuk mengolah bahan mentah dari alam, menjadi sesuatu yang memiliki nilai lebih tinggi (disebut juga sebagai proses produksi).
Sumber daya manusia juga menentukan keberhasilan pembangunan nasional melalui jumlah dan kualitas penduduk. Jumlah penduduk yang besar merupakan pasar potensial untuk memasarkan hasil-hasil produksi, sementara kualitas penduduk menentukan seberapa besar produktivitas yang ada.
Sementara itu, sumber daya modal dibutuhkan manusia untuk mengolah bahan mentah tersebut. Pembentukan modal dan investasi ditujukan untuk menggali dan mengolah kekayaan. Sumber daya modal berupa barang-barang modal sangat penting bagi perkembangan dan kelancaran pembangunan ekonomi karena barang-barang modal juga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas.
Faktor nonekonomi mencakup kondisi sosial kultur yang ada di masyarakat, keadaan politik, dan sistem yang berkembang dan berlaku.

Senin, 06 April 2009

Salary Papa HOW?

As always Andrew, Head of Branch in a leading private company in Jakarta, arrived in his home at 9 pm. Not as usual, Sarah, son of the first new class to sit in three elementary school opens the door for him. It appears that he has been waiting long enough.

"Kok, has not slept?" Andrew, while I kiss her son. Sarah is usually already lelap when he went home and awake when he will go to the office the morning.

Papa heel while the room toward the family, Sarah said, "I come home Papa nunggu. For I want to ask," How do salaries Papa? "," Tumben Lho, kok get salary Papa? How have more money, yes? "," Ah, enggak. Pengen know aja "Sarah said short. "Okay. You can own countdown.
Papa worked every day for about 10 hours and are paid Rp. 400.000, -. Each month the average is calculated based on 22 working days. Saturday and Sunday off, sometimes Saturday Papa still overtime. So, Papa salary in one month how many, come? "

Sarah ran pensilnya and take the paper from the desk study Papanya while removing shoes and light television. When Andrew go to the room to change clothes, Sarah ran to follow them. "What a day Papa paid Rp. 400.000, - for 10 hours, one hour means Papa stipendiary Rp. 40.000, - dong" he said.

"Wah, pinter you. Already, it is washing feet, sleep" command Andrew. But Sarah does not go. While witnessing Papanya changed clothes, Sarah again asked, "Papa, I can borrow money Rp. 5000, - enggak?"

"It is, I kind of need more. Why ask for money night like this? Papa tired. And like a bath first. Tidurlah".

"But Papa ..." Andrew Patience is exhausted. "Papa is sleeping!" Sarah hardiknya surprising. Children that is turned to the rooms.

After bathing, Andrew appears to regret hardiknya. He also peek Sarah sleep in the room. Children kesayangannya is not sleeping. Sarah found sob are slowly while holding the money Rp. 15.000, - in his hand.

While lying and stroke the head of a small kid, Andrew said, "sorry Papa, Nak, Papa for my Sarah. But what a canvas nights like this? If you want to buy toys, I can tomorrow. Isn'T Rp. 5000, - more Papa's love that is "Andrew's

"Papa, I enggak canvas. I just borrow. Later when I return is to save more of pocket money during this week." "lya, yes, but for what?" Andrew get soft.
"I am waiting for Papa's at 8. I want to get snake Papa main stairs. Puluh Three minutes aja. Mama often says what the time Papa was very valuable. So, I want to change the time Papa. Tabunganku I open, there is only Rp. 15.000, -- Papa says, but because one day Papa paid Rp. 40.000, - then a half hour I have to replace Rp. 20.000, -. But less money tabunganku Rp. 5000, therefore I would like to borrow from Papa "said Sarah plain.

Andrew was silent. he lost the words. Dipeluknya small kid that freeze with the feeling
haru. He realized a new, apparently limpahan property which he gave for this, not enough to
"buy" their child's happiness.